History of Teen Ranch (Scotland)
In 1958 an Australian man went to U.S.A and saw there a holiday camping scene and said Australian kids must have something like this. They secured a property at a country village Cobbitty N.S.W and they were joined by a singing group called the kings men, all Canadians. Their singing was popular and the idea began to spread. They all returned to Canada and started their own camps across Canada. One Mel Stevens started Teen Ranch Canada. |
Jenny's parents came for our sons 1st Birthday and wanted to see Scotland. We came, fell in love with the second best country in the World. We were staying in Brixton at that time, the time of the Brixton riots. Thinking what fools we had been and many adding their votes of disapproval. Jenny stumbled across a verse in the Bible - Psalm 75.6 "For promotion cometh neither from the east, nor from the west, nor from the south." There was only one direction to go. North. We came to give it 6 months to see if Scotland was to be the place. Guided to Ballindean House, Inchture a disused mansion house 15 years empty, we paid a deposit of £5,750. We had £5,755. We were left with £5 and number two son on the way. Gifts were coming in and one day the postie brought 10 letters, 9 having cheques for £650 and £1,000.
We were given an interest free loan for the balance and we were off and running. Not all smooth sailing as there were problems with the loan and we had to repay "now". So we sold a wee cottage on the property and we pushed on. Large work parties, gifts of materials, cash, going from one amazing story to another and after 18 months we had electricity (partially re-wired), water (partially re-plumbed), 3 horses, some old bikes and canoes. Our first camp ever was 4 boys. We were rough but the kids loved it. We are still no 'Hilton' but the kids still love it. It's an amazing place of fun, friendship and faith and still hits the spot as it did for me 44 years ago. |
You have got to come. You will never appreciate how great it is until you walk in. "Wow!" and the stories of an adventure with God begins to be told. Amazing.
Bob Ockenden
Founder of Teen Ranch Scotland |